Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Well i'm tired and happy to be home. Stuffs been happening, but the latest news is that I wish to go to the movies but i have this idea a few times a week and usually end up putting my feet on a surface and staying in.

In other news. I made an eggless sponge cake last night. My chef friend couldn't stop laughing when he heard just how flat it turned out. It was like cookie dough. I hate attempting to get by baking with no eggs. I also should keep my mouth shut about my failed concoctions. I already didn't know what a Gateau was.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Snobby chefs, I'm sure I know what he was thinking: "Ha! When I cook it never comes out looking like cookie dough!"

Can we pretend the flaming red head chef said this?