Twenty Two Years Old. I'm so happy i'm not getting younger instead of older. That would depress me. I'm old at heart and young of brain. It's all very exciting!
Things I've learned in the past year:
Reading books or watching movies all the way through pretending it might be worth it does not mean it will end up feeling that way.
Hospitality is okay and yummy food is totally rad.
You are probably allergic to bee stings.
Frowning makes you invisible. Or attracts the boring kind of attention.
If someone annoys you, only vent about them to people they will NEVER meet. I finally met someone i dislike immensely.
Don't let grown hobbies bloom out of proportion.
My presents are getting better and better. Quality AND Quantity.
Pepper makes me sneeze uncontrollably.
Sunglasses are GREAT as headbands.
Photos are the best thing in the world to collect. Then it's stationary. And DVDs.
Fun Fact: That 70's show still makes me laugh.
Sad people make me squeeze out tears! What happened to my wonderfuly naieve hard heartedness?!
I am tired of having straight hair.
Alistair is gorgeous AND funny.
I have a twin. Granted she's shorter then me, has a different accent, face and manner. But still we get mistaken for each other.
Being in the same room as a Piano is almost worse then drums.
Being 22 is totally like whoa compared to 21. I start off with trying to pretend it feels different, and like totally it might end up really being that way.
You are my other twin. I actually have millions.
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