because it was about now last year that i said 'hello' to a pretty cool guy and decided i would own him. We're both still happy with how that turned out. Everyone else on the other hand don't know what to think of the weirdo long distance super travelling duo. We flit separately when our turn comes from the cities we call home to our second or third homes in the other cities where we hope people are happy to see us.
My flight was late this time, and i missed a connecting flight on a different airline. Tbe outrage! I was a whole four hours later then expected. That airline will lose countless millions now that our patronage is OVER.
I've been to Sydney, Newcastle (and surrounding areas) and Melbourne on stopovers and visits alot this past year. I'm narrowly the winner with four/five trips under my belt, and Alistair with two/three. NARROWLY!?
Settling down in one city though it may sound sophisticated and what normal people do is out of the question because we just can't afford it. Shockingly, though the domestic airline prices are ridiculous, it's much much cheaper this way. We lose on time spent in each others company but if we can still handle it, i think this is the way its going to be for a little while yet.
My workplace puts up with me because i put in long hours when i am available. Alistair will be subject to school holidays again when he returns to Uni. I will be here for another week and a half before going home.
So, I've figured out that in the past twelve months, we've spent (not including any form of contact not in person) in 6 trips four months together, the longest time period being three weeks. Longest time we've been apart was three months and trips usually average two weeks in length.
I decided we should celebrate today. I made him a picture that i'll post next. Oh and i found a couple photo. I decided it should show the REAL me and Alistairs drunk with love face. (REAL drunk face is too much to ask for)
Ah thats nice Loo.
Was this a joint authorship?
Course not. He doesnt get any say in what i put up here.
I thought that was a recent photo, and I was wondering who that person is that looks exactly like Gabe!
Congrats Lisa, you know what they say about absences making the heart fonder ;)
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