Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love and yet hate summer

I am on holiday soon again! Hooray! I decided this would be a good time to work less, love more and be generally carefree. I love my work though. I don't watch the clock except to make sure I'm on time, and i do miss being busy when i'm away.

It has its downsides and it's unpleasant people. I do like to think i'm getting a tougher skin towards people who are just having a bad day and like to take it out on unsuspecting Lisas.

It's finally hot enough to go to the beach again. I snuck down there on my own for an hour this afternoon once work was over and i felt so relaxed and came home with minimal sandyness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unsuspecting Lisas! My favourite kind! And why did you go to the beach all by your lonesomes?